Wednesday, May 6, 2020

John Adams Revolutionary Delegate - 2098 Words

John Adams: Revolutionary Delegate The Revolutionary Era Dr. Paul Grady Eric G. Shuping April 23, 2015 John Adams: Revolutionary Delegate John Adams most fundamental political message that he used throughout his career was, â€Å"no simple Form of Government can possibly secure Men against the Violences of Power. Only a mixed government that combined the voices of the many with those of the few; that contained checks and balances within its various branches; and that clearly separated powers among those branches could ensure the freedom of the public and the liberty of the individual.† Adams was a fiery stout delegate who became an influential Founding Father to help fight and win support during the American Revolutionary†¦show more content†¦Before earning his law degree, Adams found himself as a schoolmaster in Worcester, Massachusetts. Deacon Adams wanted his son to follow in his footsteps towards a ministerial career, but the years at Harvard raised doubts for Adams. The learning of the Enlightenment â€Å"led him to question several of the central dogmas of the reigning Congregational churches in Massachusetts.† With self-doubt about the life he was leading and not wanting to become a minster, Adams settled on a new career to clerk and study law under a young attorney named James Putnam. Adams would become a lawyer and be admitted to the Bar of Massachusetts in 1761. After the death of his father Deacon Adams at the age of seventy due to the epidemic flu, Adams began courting Abigail Smith. Eventually, Adams would be married to Abigail on October 25, 1764. This would lead to becoming the most important decision of Adams life, as Abigail would play an equal part of her role to helping Adams become the true politician in his life. Abigail Adams was very influential over her husband during his time as a politician. In becoming a lawyer in 1758, would lead Adams to becoming one of Boston’s famous attorneys and becoming a very important political figure throughout the rest of his career. In 1765, Adams quickly identified with the patriot cause the Americans were fighting for, when he opposed the British’s creation of the Stamp Act to tax any printed material to help pay the troops from

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